Thursday, March 22, 2012

News and Junk :)

I will officially be transitioning from my administrative assistant job to an HR specialist position in a few weeks! I'm so excited, hoping I'll finally get some respect at my job, but I'm also really nervous. I will have a ton of new responsibilities that I'm totally unfamiliar with. I will be responsible for hiring and firing and interviewing people. Security guards to be exact. And as my friends have told me, I'm not the least bit intimidating.

I may have an attitude on me, but apparently I couldn't scare an ant if I tried.

Which brings me to my fiasco of a day yesterday that I will now recap. Ants. and Cars. And sleep deprivation.

1. Ants: So I come home Sunday morning to find a stray ant or two in my kitchen. Okay, no biggie, I'll kill them and move on with my day. Monday; more ants. Still not that many, but they're still hanging around. So I kill what I see and buy some ant gel that's like poisonous bait that the ants will eat and then take back to their ant relatives. Tuesday; ants are still there. Um excuse me, this ant gel is supposed to work within 24 hours. Rude. So I go back to the store and buy ant traps, confident that these suckers will work. Yesterday; I come up the stairs from the basement holding S while she's screaming her head off due to a combo of teething and hunger and what do I find? Those little a-holes are ALL over the place. Apparently instead of the ant gel and bait killing everyone, they've multiplied to like 30. And they're covering my cabinets, on my counter tops, on my Gram's old desk that I use for storage in my kitchen...everywhere. So S wants down, I'm obviously not going to let her get attacked by them so I take us all upstairs. I frantically call everyone in my phone about what to do. My landlord isn't answering (surprise), my mom doesn't really care, A doesn't answer either. I'm like eff. What am I supposed to do about this. Meanwhile S is still screaming, and I'm freaking out. To make a long story short, my mom finally came over to take care of S while I sprayed the whole kitchen with this poison free ant killer, and my landlord FINALLY called me back to let me know a pest control guy was coming this morning to spray the place (which he did thank heavens) So we'll see how bad it is when I get home.

2. Cars: Well my car actually, I only own one. And I don't really even own it. I digress. Anyway, it needed to be inspected. It didn't pass (again, surprise.) I find out it needs like a grand of work which the dealership informs me that my car isn't even worth that much for a trade in. (which I'm skeptical about because I Kelly blue booked it and even in the condition it's in is supposedly worth 3 grand) So I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to either pay for the repairs or buy a new car...I can't afford to do either at this point. Fantastic.

3. Lack of Sleep: this one made my day yesterday a whole lot worse than it needed to be. Everything always sucks more when you're tired. For some reason, S thought it would be a wonderful idea to wake up for the day at 4am. I however, disagreed with that decision and tried to get her to go back to sleep until 6:30 when she finally did. Great right? I wake up for work at 7. F.

BUT all of that is fine now (not really) because I slept great, got my house de-anted, and took this new job.

And I will be in Toronto in roughly 48 hours. So if anyone actually reads this blog and has some inexpensive/fun ideas of stuff to do while we're there, feel free to comment :)

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