I just went to Sheetz to get some gas and some lunch. There were many interesting things I saw which leads me to this post...
- Young couple- Snookie look a like and d-bag that let the door shut in my face on the way in. Rude.
- The same couple stood behind me in line so close I thought they were going to pitpocket me.
- Young couple #2- Girl hanging like a spider monkey on her boyfriend while he orders MTO (I'm all about PDA, but get a room.)
- Same girl from young couple #2 was wearing jean shorts 3 sizes too small that her lady parts were pretty much hanging out of and her cellulite was jiggling everywhere.
- On my way out to my car, I walked past a parked car that I'm convinced had a huge weed tree in the back seat. Does weed even grow on trees?
dude! sheetz is where it's at. sometimes i just kinda go shopping there on my lunch break. sad?!?